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Knothead – 1989/1990

This would be a pretty short lived band comprised of Eric Baffert (guitars) Jimmy Forbes (Bass) Chris Means (Vocals) and Darren Talcot (Drums). Fun Fact: Billie Joe Armstrong’s side project Pinhead Gunpowder actually covered “Will Work for Food” and Eric still gets a $2.00 royalty check every once in a while. Nigel Hill was the original guitar player when we formed the band, but a week before our first gig he quit…. and we enlisted Eric. Nigel’s excuse for quitting was classic “I looked in the mirror at me in my underwear, and didn’t like what I saw”.

Nuns With Guns

I don’t know a whole helluva lot about Nuns With Guns. I see from the insert that they were pals with Frankie Glitterdoll. Maybe Stephan played drums with them for a while? Anyhow, I have one of their posters – it is one of the cooler looking ones in the bunch.
Recorded live at Fickle Hill Recording Studio in 1996.
Joe Giera – Guitar/Vocals
Rory Talmon – Drums
Beka Cote’ – Bass/Vocals